
November 8, 2018

Monday’s visit from Detective David Russell-Coutts (nee Coutts, Class of 1996) of the Vancouver Police Department added exciting practical elements to the Law 12 unit on crime, and kicked off an upcoming policing unit for the classes.

David shared some stories about his job as a Major Crimes Detective, and as students engaged with this inside look into policing, they also had the opportunity to have their questions answered.

“I had a lot of fun and was very impressed with the level of engagement and interest from the students. Brought back a lot of memories for me being back in those hallways more than 20 years later.” — Dave

Thank you Dave, for sharing your legal and policing knowledge, and for providing a realistic glimpse into detective life.

MEI Alumni Giving Back

We love to welcome our alumni back to MEI to share in chapel, in classes, and in other ways. If you have an idea how you’d like to positively influence current MEI students, please email the MEI Alumni Office.

We’re so proud of our alums, and all the diverse and far-reaching ways in which you impact our communities for God’s glory.