
September 17, 2016

The MEI Schools Class of 1986 enjoyed their 30 year class reunion at Stew & Gwen Schmidt’s home on Saturday, September 17, 2016.

Submitted by Patti (Loewen) Millard, MEI Class of 1986

I considered going to my 30 year grad reunion a great privilege! I hear people say that they just wouldn’t want to reconnect with their grad class, or they’d love to but nobody plans anything! That to me is sad.

This reunion came together quite easily by a few great people who took the time to organize it and network through Facebook. You know, years down the road, it doesn’t matter anymore who the jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds were…everybody just came together as a group of old friends, telling stories around the fire of shenanigans and memories. It made me feel young again and I was happy to spend an evening with these people! Next time we won’t wait so long if I have anything to do with it!




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// Previously Posted

Join us for dinner & catching up on Saturday, September 17 (5 PM – 11:55 PM)
at Stew & Gwen Schmidt’s home

RSVP by August 15, 2016 and join the Facebook event.

Cost: $40 per person
Spouses welcome!

Contacts are:
Ron Driedeger
Ken Kasdorf
Dan Hiebert
Wendy (Toews) Klassen
Gwen (Klassen) Schmidt

From the MEI 1985-86 Yearbook:

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